How to Set Up a Website ? Nowadays, everything is done over the Internet now. Many business lines have moved to the Internet and online. While people are so busy online, it has become inevitable that trade and other services will be on the Internet. Therefore, having a website has become one of the most basic needs. Dec.
Creating a website is not as difficult as it is thought. Creating a website is quite easy with the help of various tools and services. In our article, we tried to explain the methods of preparing a website in detail and step by step. Now, let's take a look at what these are together.
How to Set Up a Website? Determine the Goals of Your Business Identify Your Target Audience Buy Domain and Hosting Plan How You will Set Up Your Website Decide on the Design of Your Website Produce Sectoral Useful Content Be Visible with Digital Marketing Efforts You decided to set up a website and started researching how to do it, the first thing to pay attention to is to make a good planning. Now, if you want, let's answer your questions about what these plans are, what should be done before starting to build a website, and what methods should be used.
Determine the Goals of Your Business It is useful to create our concept according to the field in which our business operates. Let's decide first of all what is your purpose of setting up a website.
Are we trying to make it easier for our customers to find us? Or are we trying to sell our services or products while we're ready to meet? Which age and gender groups do we want to serve? Are we going to interact with them? With these and many other questions like this, you can easily determine how you should set up a website.
Identify Your Target Audience Determining the target audience is an issue that you should give priority not only when setting up a website, but also in all sales jobs. If you can determine your target audience correctly, the result you will get will be much more successful. Gender, age, location, professional group, etc. determine your target audience by evaluating criteria such as. The design and usage characteristics of your website should be determined according to these criteria. If the website you are going to set up is going to generate a lot of traffic, if it is going to be a different, one-page promotional website, it is necessary to make different planning.
Buy Domain and Hosting The 2 most important components of a website are domain and hosting. Your domain name is like the sign of your business. The keywords you will use here will help your customers find you more easily. It is useful to set a domain name that gives a hint about what you do and allows us to find it easily. A good domain name;
It should be as short as possible It should include keywords It should include the words belonging to your brand A generic TLD should be used (.com .net etc.) Of course, this job is not so easy. Your domain name may have been registered by others before you. Rest assured, almost most of the good domain names are registered.Let's go to the domain query screen to register a domain name ( domain ) with these characteristics that we have determined.
After registering a domain name that is suitable for the job we want or do, our second step will be to identify a hosting service for this domain. Let's choose a suitable hosting for yourself by reviewing the hosting packages. The most basic issue to be considered here will be choosing a hosting that is suitable for the structure of the website we will establish.
If we are going to set up a website with a WordPress-based CMS infrastructure, WordPress hosting will do our job.
Issues that you should pay attention to when choosing a hosting;
Disk space Critical features such as CPU RAM Operating system Control panel (cPanel, Plesk, etc.) E-mail service Bandwidth If a simple One-Page website is to be created, most of these values can be kept to a minimum. However, if we are going to create an E-commerce site, the situation will change.
A large disk space, a fast-running infrastructure will help your site work better.
If you are going to share or share photo content, you still need a large disk space, and the Bandwidth values should be good because your site will Tuk a lot of traffic.